
WHITE vs The Slav

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. the rare 3. ...d.c4
  3. the 5. ...Na6 variation
  4. the 5. ...Bg4 variation
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh
  3. XIYO

WHITE vs The Semi-Slav

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. The Botvinik variation
  2. The Moscow variation
  3. The Cambridge Springs
  4. Queen's Gambit Declined
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh
  3. XIYO

The a6-Slav

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. The 5. ...b6 variation
  3. The 5. ...Bg4 variation
  4. the 5. ...g6 variation
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh
  3. XIYO

White vs The Tarasch

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. positional play
  3. Theory
  4. The 5. ...c4 variation
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh
  3. XIYO

WHITE vs Nimzo_Indian

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. the introduction
  2. Follow the Patriarch
  3. game 2
  4. game 3
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh
  3. XIYO

WHITE vs King's Indian

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Various 4th,5th and 6th moves
  3. game 1
  4. Panno variation
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. XIYO

WHITE vs Grunfeld Defense

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. game 1
  3. Smyslov Variation
  4. game 2
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85

WHITE vs The Modern benoni

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. game 1
  3. ...a6 or ...Na6?
  4. game 2
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85

WHITE vs Benko Gambit

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. The 5....axb5 variation
  3. game 1
  4. game 2
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. XIYO

WHITE vs Old Indian

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. introduction
  2. The 5....Nc5 variation
  3. The 5....Be7 variation
  4. game 1
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85

WHITE vs DutchDefence

1 • TahaScandinavi_N_85 •
  1. 2....c5 (game1)
  2. 2...d6 (game 2)
  3. 2....c6 (game3)
  4. 2....d5 (game 4)
  1. TahaScandinavi_N_85
  2. bagherzadeh