
mrpushwood has vanished

@BorisOspasky said in #23:
> @salmon_rushdie I know if I put what I thought about you, you’d run off in tears again..... mummy, mummy, wail wail, Boris said something nasty to me, ban him, ban him.
Give me your best shot laddy, don't let me or me mum hold you back
Pushwood is essential. Let us hope he soon resurfaces.
I doubt he will appear bc lichess off-topic is not what it used to be. I think he believes that he is just too "old" for the current humor. My 2 cents.
Where has Mr. Pushwood gone?
Long time, passing.
Where has Mr. Pushwood gone?
Long time ago.
Where has Mr. Pushwood gone?
From off-topic threads, every one.
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
<Comment deleted by user>
@salmon_rushdie Ill give you some time to bag up those Kleenex from under tyour bed.. don’t want them to go to landfill without them being put to full use. It’ll be your environmental good deed for the day!
Nevertheless, The forum is more funny without his cult of personality.

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