
Local Engine Doesn't Work and Leads to a Weird Twitching :(

Also: when analysing a game now, this happens: (engine change)

insert @ lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6
(anonymous) @ lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:2
r @ lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:3
t.exports @ lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:2
(anonymous) @
j @
k @
lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6 exception while booting pnacl TypeError: this.worker.postMessage is not a function
at t.send (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at new e (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at t.boot (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6
at <anonymous>
lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:3 Local eval failed after depth undefined TypeError: this.worker.postMessage is not a function
at t.send (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at new e (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at t.boot (lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6)
at lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:6
at <anonymous>
lichess.analyse.min.js?v=1768:3 Fallback to ASMJS now
It's weird that chromium tries to use PNACL; it's not supposed to suport it.

Instead, chromium should use WASM, that's what mine does, at least.

Could you please type this in the console:

'application/x-pnacl' in navigator.mimeTypes

And paste me the result? Thanks.
Yes, they do. It works fantastically. I'm even thinking of getting a second chromium. Thanks!
They do, except the Bullet physics, same flickering as here, and doesnt load

loads and loads of errors like:

three.min.js:760 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: getUniformLocation: program not linked
init @ three.min.js:760
addPostPlugin @ three.min.js:385
THREE.WebGLRenderer @ three.min.js:481
init @ scene.js:186
moduleLoad @ main.js:9
three.min.js:671 [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking 'mousewheel' event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.
THREE.OrbitControls @ three.min.js:671
init @ scene.js:221
moduleLoad @ main.js:9
NaClAM.js:157 Uncaught TypeError: AM.postMessage is not a function
at NaClAM.sendMessage (NaClAM.js:157)
at animate (scene.js:292)
at HTMLDivElement.moduleLoad (main.js:10)
NaClAM.sendMessage @ NaClAM.js:157
animate @ scene.js:292
moduleLoad @ main.js:10
NaClAM.js:34 Bullet AM Running.
three.min.js:376 THREE.WebGLRenderer 51
three.min.js:380 WARNING: Too many active WebGL contexts. Oldest context will be lost.
THREE.WebGLRenderer @ three.min.js:380
init @ scene.js:186
moduleLoad @ main.js:9
three.min.js:759 WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: getAttribLocation: program not linked
There's been an update. Can you please try the local engine again and report errors from the console?

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