
Search "user:FinnishMathematician"

68 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Standings for the Opening trainer section#3

I'm almost 2800. I still say no, there is no need to give people any more reason to cheat.

Lichess Feedback - Please add a setting to turn off confirmation button 4 resigning.#9

Yes, thank you for understanding,

Lichess Feedback - Please add a setting to turn off confirmation button 4 resigning.#1

I understand it caters to a few who probably accedently clicked it in the past. But for those who did not have such problem, it is quite an annoying add on. It sucks. Sorry to be blunt. Freindly Greet…

Game analysis - is easy draw with stockfish 8#2

Give any player enough time and put them against a cpu and a draw is possible. It would've been more impressive had you slowly gone for a positonal win and ultimately won the game.

General Chess Discussion - i got banned from tournaments#8

Agreed, cheating is bad enough but cheating in a Classical Tournament is even worse. It seems that Online Classical can only be played with people of trust. For all else, the risk of being cheated on …

General Chess Discussion - Recommend me a book.#5

I agree with Kmm123. My System and Chess Praxis will do wonders for your chess. The only thing I can add is to make sure you buy the Quality Chess version as it is the most clearest to read. 21st Cent…

Lichess Feedback - Connection with this site timing out.#1

Hei, Is anyone having similiar problem? During a bullet game, it will suddenly just try to re connect simply timeout. I checked my connection and it was working. Is the server simply overloaded recent…

General Chess Discussion - Hyper-accelerated dragon for white. #4

2. g6 is my go-to as HyperDrag tends to lead to very positional games with a good chance of tactical ideas should someone not be careful. I welcome c3 without hesitation because of the thematic d5 pus…

General Chess Discussion - To Stop cheating on lichess#10

Ahahahah, someone is asking why LeMusique is serious! A fine job LeMusique, fine job indeed. Freindly Greetings,

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles and cheaters#11

I agree with the other comments, cheating on Tactics/Opening(which is harder) is only hurting themselves. These things and hopefully more Training options in the future are meant to help players. Tact…
