
Please add a setting to turn off confirmation button 4 resigning.

I understand it caters to a few who probably accedently clicked it in the past.

But for those who did not have such problem, it is quite an annoying add on. It sucks. Sorry to be blunt.

Freindly Greetings,
No, not just a few. The feature has been popularly requested, and the rationale against (for example, that it's annoying) doesn't address how it's an actual problem, over the fact that the developers are moving cheese around. To be honest with you though, I think it's a good addition, even if it's bad for user experience. Even if it wastes you an extra second in a tournament that you could had used to get paired up with someone quicker, it will save your life / game one day, and by that time you won't regret having it.
Here that folks? *It will save your life*.

I noticed this feature today and it made me feel good, but had no idea it was *that* good.

Seriously though, I call it an improvement, but making it an option in preferences would obviously satisfy everyone.
I believe there should be an option for each users to decide rather if they want to have a turn off confirmation button or just a resign button. each players should be able to choose on the setting. that's my opinion and i believe many bullet chess enthusiasm would agree.
A lot of people in Twitch chat seem to be united against it. I'm inclined to agree with their core message. Initially I thought it would be like 2 or 3 people in total, but a lot of bullet players don't like it. I'd say it's a 'silent majority' kind of thing, but after seeing Eric (chessbrahs) get really annoyed with it, it makes a lot more sense why.

The reason they don't like it, is that losing sucks. And you play so many games of bullet that losing happens a lot.

When you go to the resign button, you commit to losing. Bullet is pretty tilt-inducing as it is. Now imagine having to commit to it twice, as someone prone to outbursts of anger. Not a pretty sight, is it?

So yeah, I think we need an option. Three, in fact:
- Never confirm
- Always, except bullet (default)
- Always
Obviosly optional is the way to satisfy everybody!
Hi all. Perhaps the best solution to this might be a click option on preferences set ups.
Yeah, an option button. I don't mind double pressing, but I've never accidentally resigned before so I don't see the purpose in it for myself.

I can see how it could make people angry (they should control themselves better though, imho).

As an option, it potentially makes more people happy than otherwise.

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