
A question for the Russians

Russians, why are you supporting this criminal war that your country is waging against Ukraine?
@ artemiusua said in #1:
> Russians, why are you supporting this criminal war that your country is waging against Ukraine?
Whom do you mean by "Russians"? Every russian person? Every russian speaking person? Every person living in russia?
And furthermore, "Russians" sounds way more like the whole "russian polulation", but you are aware, that some don't support the invasion? I mean, some GMs condemned the invasion for example.
And in case you actually mean the majority with voting rights, do you factor in that there is all-consuming state-run propaganda that makes this war appear like the best thing ever happened to Ukraine? And then we have to also factor in that most poeple don't care about politics (like many people in the west) and those who do, can't really express their thoughts freely (unlike many people in the west), have you seen the videos where people standing with a blank sheet of paper are put in jail? Afterall, some people who protest are apparently hit with 15 years in prison - would you in their place go out on the streets regardless?
Also, can we even talk about russia as a democracy? I mean, isn't Putin "emperor-" I mean "President for life". Sounds like some kind of dictatorship to me, given that there are also a lot of oligarchs... is russia a "real" democracy?
If I remember correctly, as soon as people were drafted, many left russia - is that also supporting the war?
I think most people - regardless of where you live, really - support first and foremost theirselves. And this is by no means excusing the horrible actions taken against the Ukraine, there has been an illegal invasion, an overheated conflict and brutal war, with many atrocities and all the bad things wars usually bring. I support the Ukrainians in their struggle to defend their homes.
If a person considers himself Russian, he will answer, that's simple.

And yes, there are a few percent who are against the war. Nevertheless, I am interested to hear the opinion of Russians, why they MOSTLY (I am convinced of this) support this war and their president putin.

If I ask this question on Russian sites, I will be banned there immediately. There are almost no Russians on Ukrainian sites.
So I see no reason not to ask this question here.
@artemiusua said in #1:
> Russians, why are you supporting this criminal war that your country is waging against Ukraine?

Assuming you live in the U.S, would you support Mexico gearing up a massive army to "defend itself" against the U.S., and moreover, enter into a pact with other nations to attack the U.S.? Whether you'd approve of that situation or not, the U.S. has repeatedly taken upon itself the moral right to attack any nation in any part of the globe for any reason. Have people forgotten already that the U.S. invaded Iraq and demanded its unconditional surrender? We killed many thousand of people in that country, lost 4000 of our own soldiers (you're welcome Israel), and when Saddam begged to negotiate, we told him no way. That's just one example of how we in the West do whatever we like in other parts of the world, there are many more, and so much for talk of "criminal" activities of Russia. The background of Russia's relationship with Eastern Ukraine is very complex and there was reasonable justification for Russia's actions.
@diarrhea_isnt_funny said in #4:
> The background of Russia's relationship with Eastern Ukraine is very complex and there was reasonable justification for Russia's actions.


Nice lecture on how to screw up the time you spent writing previous lines!
@artemiusua said in #1:
> Russians, why are you supporting this criminal war that your country is waging against Ukraine?

Я не поддерживаю войну. Я ненавижу несправедливое отношение к моей семье, которая также не поддерживает войну. Мы все хотим, чтобы эта война закончилась... включая нас
@artemiusua said in #7:
> It's so cute how you put the word "criminal" in quotes
> Are you Russian?

Does morality change depending on what national passport one holds?
@diarrhea_isnt_funny said in #9:
> Does morality change depending on what national passport one holds?
I suppose, yes it does. The question and answer of morality is refutable, depending the “who, what, and where” aspect. Who and what standard is used to determine morality?

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