
A forum that should have been made in the last century.....

I mean seriously Americans didn't save their Nuclear Missiles for "The Big One" and fired it on Hiroshima and weakened Japan a bit but type of destroyed it by launching another one on Nagasaki. This actually kinda stopped (in my words) विश्व युद्ध २. Maybe they should have saved them for some aliens that invade our dear planet when WW2 was going on. America showed power that day but now they're having Radioactive diseases all over the two cities. My question is "When will America pay for it?". Yeah, launching nuclear missiles doesn't really be like farting on someones face, it's way worse. I shudder to think how Japan may react if they will. Personally, I got nothing with Americans but now this was as rude as pooping on someone. So here we Go!

The First Side:- Who all agree that America shall be punished.

The Second Side:- Who all agree that America has treated Japan in a "Kind" way and should be left in peace.

Funny P.S. - I will sent this forum to the President of Japan and USA.
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@Chess-King30 said in #3:
> Maybe they should have saved them for some aliens that invade our dear planet
Don't worry, there are plenty of nukes left for the aliens.
> My question is "When will America pay for it?".
The dropping of the bombs is as ongoing debate.
Scholars have debated this for decades, not to mention Lichess forums has debated this for years.
(Even though i disagree with him, I do miss TPR, he was a thought-provoking debater)

The only thing people agree on now is; Any nation who drops a bomb now, is gonna answer to the combined power of Greenpeace and gets a scolding from Greta Thunberg.
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #6:
> The only thing people agree on now is; Any nation who drops a bomb now, is gonna answer to the combined power of Greenpeace and gets a scolding from Greta Thunberg.

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