
My puzzle rating became hidden when I reached 2500.

Today I solved a puzzle and got 2500 rating for the first time. However, when I signed out and looked at my profile, I noticed that there was only "?" instead of 2500.
Then I signed in and intentionally failed one hard puzzle. My rating dropped to 2494 and became visible again.
Is it a bug or not?
When your puzzle rating is too far from your other ratings, it becomes hidden.
@Yeltcki I didn't know about it...
So, I should increase my Blitz and Rapid ratings before solving puzzles again :)
Thank you for your answer!
@Chess_NL Yes if one of your ratings reach 2000 it will show when you will reach above 2500. Also it doesn't really matter if your puzzle rating is hidden ; if you are not cheating, the goal is to improve when you do puzzles.
I was able to hold 2600+ for a while ... maybe due to my 2100+ in correspondence?
Mighty Caissa looks down at your tactics ratings and adds a ? if there are any concerns.

You need to get your rating above 1800. Otherwise this code is triggered.

def dubiousPuzzle = {
puzzle.glicko.rating > 3000 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 2100) ||
puzzle.glicko.rating > 2500 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 1800)

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