
Rating on Lichess and rating in real life.

mine real elo is 1486 in fide but here it is 2254 naame is ambesh pratap singh and here it is chessiya ratings @lichess are inflated wrt to chesscube is 250 pts
@ambesh351 you are significantly underrated at 1486 otb. You're probably more like 1800-1900. Lichess ratings arent THAT inflated. :)
@ambesh351 sorry but your comment just screams CHEATER. A 1500 rated player is an amateur, a 2200+ rated player is a master, so either you have multiple personalities that both just happen to chess at diffe rent levels or you're full of bologna :P
Some player with Lichess ratings 2000-2200 play way not that strong compared to RL. The attack reasonably well but defending and time-trouble issues they handle really bad.
3 year old thread... I didn't even know lichess existed 3 years ago :)

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