
Cheaters Penaly!

A plus Thibault throws tomatoes at their computer.
It would really be great if there was a perfect way to find a cheater. If we could be 100% sure he's cheating I would ban him for a time and if he repeats afterwards ban for life. But you can never be sure, that's the problem. I would like to up my game but as soon as I try to play games longer than 15 minutes, the hordes of cheaters appear.
if they banned cheaters for life then it would cut the online chess population in half at a minimum.
I think you forgot the death penalty in your options.

It's almost like you want them to get away with it, hum that's suspicious.
The best penalty is to make them playing only together.

Don't ban them. Just conceive an algorithme driving cheaters to meet together in a separate rating.

And then, everybody is happy. Cheaters are happy. No cheaters are happy. Everyone is peacefull.
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I know that a penalty would be good for cheaters, but what is a 'penaly'
I think it takes creativity. You have to truly make them afraid. Either that or truly hurt their heart in some way.

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