
Defense against the French

1 • tmholp •
  2. 6...cxd4.TRAP
  3. Magnus plays the DoJo system
  1. tmholp

Russian game

1 • tmholp •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. tmholp

Anti Caro-Kann

1 • tmholp •
  1. Advice variation with trap on bishop
  2. Exchange variation
  3. 3 Nc3
  1. tmholp

Scotch game

-1 • tmholp •
  1. Main line
  2. Scotch 4...Bc5
  3. Backward d6 pawn
  1. tmholp

Slav Defense (Chebanenko)

0 • tmholp •
  1. Main line
  2. White plays 1.Nf3 with 3.d4
  3. 1.Nc3 with 3.c4
  4. 1.Nf3 with 3. Bg3
  1. tmholp

Caro-Kann Defense

1 • tmholp •
  1. Caro-Kann Advance B10-B19
  2. Caro-Kann Advance 4.Nc3
  3. B13 Panov Attack 6.c5
  4. Sidelines on Move 2
  1. tmholp

B22 Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation

1 • tmholp •
  1. 2...d6 or 2...g6 or 2...Nc6
  2. 2...e5#1 and. 2...e5#2
  1. tmholp