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236 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#71

"There is no mystery and completely expected" huhuhu one would usually need to watch cnn for this type of propaganda. ofc daniel you predicted it all along right, along with, um, who else?

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#64

wow @Daniel2340 CNN would be proud. You spout the fake news quite effortlessly. Did you ever consider working for them?

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#61

US rhetoric about china will not fade quickly. That's one of the biggest factors in the upcoming election. Trump takes the china threat very seriously, as well he should. china could have contained th…

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#59

"I understand you dislike President Trump but this is more important than your American election , no matter who is the next President of your country they will have to deal with the Chinese Governmen…

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#45

I got an idea for you @Daniel2340 , 2 million people watched that video. Why don't you contact all of them and pose the same inane question. let me know the results.

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#43

anarchist and rioters tearing down our statues and history is a crime! So sad to see these mobs scream (and worse) at peaceful citizens.

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#41

#40 fake news. It is universally an Australian investigation, a European investigation etc etc that china withheld info for at least two months and probably much longer. china, along wit…

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#39

Thank you @Mopman for being honest about the virus. Hard to find other chess players who can call it as it is.

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#26

bottom line: china could have contained the virus at the source in wuhan, and spared the rest of the world. But they didn't do that. Instead they barred flights from wuhan to the rest of china, and pu…

Off-Topic Discussion - obamagate#22

The virus originated in wuhan china. With respect to the USA, President Trump was the FIRST politician to take it most seriously and put a travel ban on china in late Jan. He was called "xenophobic & …
