
Search "user:Raffelsnitch"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Checkmate patterns in AC#4

On lichess' description of Atomic chess ( it says: "Clarification A checkmate is declared if a king is put in check, even if the king isn't immediately blown up, …

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle rating variation#1

This puzzle was rated 2101 when I first completed it. When i clicked it a couple of days later it was rated 1290. I waited a couple of mins and then did the puzzl…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle #1749 has a problem#2

Puzzle 1749 needs fixing! It's very cruel to fail Qxh3 (-17.6!) and Qd6 (-12.5). The accepted solution is Qf2+ (-15.6) and 'good move but try better' Qg6 (-12.6). …

Game analysis - I donno but c3 is not a square for your king on move 13.#3


Game analysis - I donno but c3 is not a square for your king on move 13.#2

its mate in two with threat of Ne2 and Qc4 . otherwise pretty terrible position for white anyway...

Lichess Feedback - analyse your own blunder positions#13

@tailuge OK I will give it a go, thanks. Nice experiment- would be interested to see what other projects you make in the future.

Lichess Feedback - analyse your own blunder positions#11

@tailuge That is awesome! Great work. I tried quite a few and I actually repeated my mistakes frequently, so a tool like this will help. In keeping with the spirit of the idea in this post and replies…

Off-Topic Discussion - Any old Yahoo chess player moved here on Lichess?#9

Yahoo was really good- I often wonder why they closed it down. I remember you could choose an avatar also such as an alien face :). And the room names were pretty cool.

Lichess Feedback - analyse your own blunder positions#9

Good to hear others like the idea :) . Yes, it would be good to have filters for centipawn loss, date etc. @HAK_genius: yes I think there is good prospects for this feature being added, because (i) it…

Lichess Feedback - analyse your own blunder positions#1

This is an idea for a new feature. The idea is to be able to replay positions where you blundered in your own games in a tactics style interface. I think this would be really useful, you can see if yo…
