
Tools to be removed

Not all tools are created equal in LiChess Tools. Some of them are a bit too hackish or too heavy on the resources for their worth. I want to start a discussion about these tools and I need you to let me know if it's OK to safely remove them.

At the moment (v2.3.0) I am looking at only two:

- Also save options for browser private/incognito mode ( - this one is probably used extremely rarely. How many of you play on lichess using the browser's private mode? The problem with this is that the method I am using to save these options is frowned upon by the Lichess developers. Plus I never quite liked it. I may bring it back when/if Lichess creates an API for custom data associated with the account

- Hide score tally crosstable ( - this one is probably used by absolutely no one. It was requested by someone who didn't know about Zen mode and I doubt anyone else used it since.

What do you think? Are you using any of these?
Are those the ones triggering the "lichess thinks we are using too much ressources".

I also noticed some delays for some features to kick in. in certain contexts, but could not tell.

Cross table does not frighten me, whenever there is a chess board my eyes are attracted to it (it trumps reading or listening to someone unless they are discussing with me about the board things), somehow no need to frown to keep my eye on board.

Incognito mode.. I guess that might be small user case.. (:D).
The too much resources stuff is when you reach the limit of use for the Lichess APIs. They have some really silly limits, quite random.

Usually I was getting them in the analysis board/studies when Explorer Eval was on, because the Cloud eval API has very small limits (although the same data is being retrieved with no issues by the computer evaluation). Now, with the new integration which is used by default, this should not happen.
Thanks for that insight. I did not include the web tech. aspect in my understanding.

I should be clear about the cross-table, perhaps it does not distract me, but only because I spend all my thinking time in analysis mode during correspondance games.. I only get to see the rounds page (if still called like that internally somewhere), when starting, and immediately go into the more zen analysis mode with board and player moves, and my thinking subtrees.

so I should not say it does not bother me. it might if it were always there.. who knows.

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