
Can I set a filter so that I only get paired against players with a higher rating?

I've only seen a filter to regulate who's game offers will be shown in the lobby. Is there a way to start a game that only players with a higher rating than me can join?
It would then be unfortunate if all those higher-rated players chose the same option, wouldn't it?
@scarpentus then I wouldn't get paired against them. But there are lots of players who don't mind playing against weaker opponents. I don't see the problem.
The "Create a Game" function provides this option. Just set the lower range to zero and upper to whatever. My experience has been you'll still often get paired with players with a close rating - presumably a result of the pairing algorithm, what rating ranges others are willing to play, and available pool of players - but the ratings should still be equal to or above yours (I've seen somebody claim occasional minor exceptions).

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