
Suggestion - Change variants on mouseover

Now that there are more variants on lichess, it's interesting to see what rating people have at them, and what they play more. Also, when I've looked at people's rating (by mousing over their name), they normally don't have one for correspondence, or if they do it's usually only over a few games. So the suggestion is:

Remove correspondence from its fixed position on the first row, so there are five slots which would be filled with that user's most played variants, which could include correspondence if they played it a lot.

A slightly more extreme suggestion is to remove the ordering completely, and sort *every* variant including bullet/etc by how much they've played it. lichess has acquired quite a few variants now, and there are people who play them a lot more than normal chess; it'd be interesting to see at a glance if, say, my opponent plays three-check and KOTH more than anything else (including blitz, etc). This would make it easier to suggest playing a different variant, if your opponent plays it a lot more than chess and you enjoy it too.

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