
tactics training


Just this morning i clicked on the daily puzzle (as i often do). Several puzzles later was 5155. I noticed that it has 2 solutions, because i as well had read that blog post and thought it was strange. Tried both solutions, they worked.

Then a couple of hours later i stumbled upon this forum thread.

The contradiction i am referring to lies in the following quote:

"there's now guaranteed to be only one good and acceptable solution to each puzzle. Gone are the days of 'good move but you could do better' or being failed for playing a mate-in-3 when there was mate-in-2."

By me understanding of English the sentence
"Gone are the days of being failed for playing a mate-in-3 when there was a mate-in-2. " means :
From now on, you will NOT be failed when providing the mate-in-3 solution, even though there is a mate-in-2 solution.

And the above contradicts with the first part of the quote: "there's now guaranteed to be only one good and acceptable solution to each puzzle"

Perhaps I should be specific in the fact that the statement is referring to the _new_ puzzles, not the old puzzles which you shouldn't see anyway. We should probably modify the daily puzzle code to no longer select from the old puzzles. All in good time.

I agree with you. Not sure why you'd by given old puzzles but hopefully this will not be happening as Clarkey said.


Although the statement refers to the new puzzles, there is still a contradiction. Can you see it?

Hence I will just assume that there are multiple solutions for mating puzzles (i.e. M2, M3, perhaps M4) and single solutions for other puzzles.

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