
technical deconnexion : bug?

1/ it's always disconnecting.
2/ Chronometer stops, but in fact time is running.

Its' been years like that.
i don't know if it's my web connexion, or a computer (Apple ) bugging, or a Lichess bug.
it happens on Safari or Chrome.
it happens wherever the place i am.
I didn't realise I had disconnected as my opponent's time kept going down and I was waiting for him to move.
His clock ran down to 0:00 and when I looked at the game, I found that I had timed out.
Is this a fault?
Not telling me I was disconnected and not showing my opponent's move can't be right.
@leDouanierRousseau said in #3:
> this question seems having nothing to do with this question and seems only an advertisement

Firstly, the fact that you think that a normal user will advertise a lichess link is absurd. Secondly, I would like to ask your highly knowledgeable self, how is this advertising? Many people have come up with the same complaint as you, and that's why lichess has introduced this feature in the first place. You advertise a team or a tournament, but sharing a link doesn't seem to be considered advertising, unless you think so.
Lastly, I have no interest in posting random links in a thread, this link is completely related to this topic, and if you can't be grateful, at least show some respect, since I posted this link with the pure intention of helping you.
@leDouanierRousseau said in #3:
> this question seems having nothing to do with this question and seems only an advertisement

Its not an ad as the form was started by a lichess dev and It helps routing your connection a different way to fix network issues.
try changing the setting suggested it might help else it is your internet
Thanks For-cryingout-loud

But i hardly believe than everyone of the 100 000 Lichess players had to put CDN to play normally, without deconnexion all the time.

And i have no problem with internet except with Lichess

5 years here, sometimes donator, but i m gonna leave
@leDouanierRousseau said in #8:
> 5 years here, sometimes donator, but i m gonna leave

Not everyone but some people need it because it helps them with your problem so try it

"And i have no problem with internet except with Lichess"
Yes that does not mean its a lichess problem
The internet is like roads you go from a to b no traffic but but a to c is bad due to roadblocks
there can just be 1 bad route and lichess does not control said road

now try if it works
else download winmtr and put in lichess the first ip with a high but not 100% loss rate is why you disconnect all the time

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