
Can you checkmate with a bishop and a knight?

i practiced a lot and learned it. i actually had a KNB vs K in a game once, but i was having time trouble and got a draw :(
I highly doubt that this "visualization" learned from B+N vs K translates to any useful skills and I don't think that "chess maturity" is even a real thing.
@FredtheCrusher of course being able to visualize what squares are covered is useful in chess.

for beginners, who have little to no idea of what is happening on the board, the bishop and knight mate is a highly useful exercise for increasing board awareness.

and of course chess maturity is a thing. it's why people stop going for scholar's mate.

you are free to doubt anything you want. no one cares.
I made a study on this which I think explains it pretty well.

One day I thought to myself I'm going to learn how to do the Bishop-Knight mate consistently and within 50 moves.

There is a thing on Practice that allows you to learn it, however I don't really like the explanation of it, and I think I've improved this in my study.

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