
Some various Lichess trends you want back

I liked the old trend when there was a post, but the user deleted it. Then it went into some various jokes, and that was fun.
<Comment deleted by user>
@Dukedog said in #6:
> Man,no more old topics, I'd like to see the forum move forward and leave the past in the past. You know,fresh and alive and new not just the same old shit over and over again.
> Well that's just me,maybe you like talking about the same old crap ad nauseam but I find it boring as hell.
Same case in life. Just keep movin' forward until you die. No missin' of your good ol' days o' youth.
@Dukedog said in #6:
> Man,no more old topics, I'd like to see the forum move forward and leave the past in the past. You know,fresh and alive and new not just the same old shit over and over again.
> Well that's just me,maybe you like talking about the same old crap ad nauseam but I find it boring as hell.

Agree, I'm kinda bored of the "what is your favorite _____" or "ask me anything" or "x or y" forums that are so repetitive. The forums used to be a lot better before COVID hit

On the other hand, I did enjoy the word game
Things should repeat but after considerable amount of time. Only when it has become bit boring and not much new ideas are coming out.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #2:
> "Ask me anything" was always a good time.
My favorite part of those forums were seeing many of the creators chatbanned soon after.

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