
Is Wikipedia biased?

My opinion:
Yes it is sometimes, if people not following the mainstream flow, they got quickly labeled as conspiracy theorists, anti-this,
pro-that bad guy activists. Well Wikipedia is still a good source for a lot of stuff, but they are getting part of the 'thought police' of the 21 century.

Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia said:
"""... Wikipedia now defends Establishment views, and the Establishment loves it for that reason. But it began as an idealistic, democratic project, one that would bring the world together to represent all of human knowledge, in all its messy, fascinating glory, on a neutral playing field. No more. It has been transformed into a thuggish defender of the epistemic prerogatives of the powerful. It began as an outgrowth of the open source software movement and its deeply decentralizing and democratic tendencies. In time, its operations became a black box, an enigma thriving on anonymity and the dark arts of dishonest social games and back-room deals. It is a mockery of an “encyclopedia anybody can edit. ...”"""

I don't care that so much but the self promotion is annoyinng. And yes its total bs, like the most expensive sencha, is sencha with gold. Not only why would you drink it with gold and second, there are teas more valuable than the presumable gold content in it. @kettwiesel. Thee very idea of gold is against the spirit of tea, and in the most teapots japanes use you don't even see the tea. Gold doesn't even affect tea taste i believe.
Some people think having to solve the captcha improves post quality. And then there's stuff like this.

You think wikipedia is a kind of omniscient protoplasmic sort of thing that possesses consciousness?

It's just a lichess is...and google.
May as well blame an encyclopedia for being biased.
Word of the week award ...congruent...60% of users of this forum don't know the word..but some over 12 yrs old do.
Well done.
@obladie i don't i usually find chessplayers usually well educated and to be fair i find congruent fits much better than hetereogenous castling. That might be the well accepted term, but it seems so out of place. Or i can't remember the exact word, but why would you go out of your way to say it.

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