
Lichess Recruits Full-Time Mobile Developer

Hello @Lichess. This is a great development. Flutter is a good piece of technology which I also have experience with.

Looking forward to seeing progress there.
That is amazing! Really great to see Lichess growing like this for everyone to play, practice, learn, and study chess. Can't wait to install it :D
The Lichess app was always really convenient for correspondance games when you are unable to use laptop or a computer, but was pretty hard to use. Really looking forward with the new updates!
The lichess app is not hard to use. Personally I think it is disappointing that you want to spend a huge amount of time and effort to reimplement a whole lot of stuff that already works! Improve what is already there instead of starting again from scratch. Don't reinvent the wheel unnecessarily.
I'm excited for new investment in the mobile app! Currently I prefer to use the Lichess website as a link on the phone homescreen just so I have access to the better puzzle features and more consistent utility of the engine in the analysis boards. If the mobile app can match the functionality of the website with better performance and UX, that's a win for users!
I think I clearly remember Thibault mentioning during the pandemic that bringing in Dart into the mobile app would be way more problematic than the many problems it would solve.

I wonder what caused the change of heart, maybe the growing Flutter ecosystem perhaps. The limited times I've used Dart last year, it was very challenging to keep the app size to decent levels, and had to shift to Kotlin eventually, more of my comfort zone anyway. Hope the developer manages to keep it lightweight.

This is good news though for the community, waiting for the roadmap. Will be interesting to see that.
In all likelihood, this is a great decision. But now is the time to worry about organizational bloat. Not after people get hired.
The app is missing the lobby,when i sign into the browser from the app sometimes i log in as different profile

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