
What do you think of my interpretation of the Book of Revelation here?

@Alientcp said in #48:
> But as I also said, the only unforgivable sin is to not believe.

or to blaspheme against Jesus.
@SimonBirch said in #8:
> I would suggest Muslims stop saying repetitive prayers to Allah everyday , I mean how annoying must that be , over and over again day after day. but I'm only suggesting it .xxx
I would suggest u stop putting xxx on all your messages, I can't imagine how boring and annoying doing that every comment would be
Besides, we'll see on the day of judgement how those "repetitive prayers" we do will grant us paradise and what your xxx will grant u
And on a final note, literally some people spend their entier fay sitting on a chair, literally prayers are a chance to take a break from the world and work and they have many health benefits when it comes 2 postures we take
@Al-Ghoul said in #62:
> Besides, we'll see on the day of judgement how those "repetitive prayers" we do will grant us paradise and what your xxx will grant u

The day of judgement is the day of forgiveness and you, as a follower of the most peaceful , human religion of Islam should know that Allah (God) loves all His children and every soul , I'm very surprised and hurt of your insinuation that I will not be going to heaven. There is a way to heaven for all. I love God, I believe in an all loving God and you have no right to judge me ,you don't know what I've been through in my struggle (jihad) in life and how many souls I've saved. Save one life , you save the world, that is a teaching from Islam , I suggest you have a conversation with Allah before you cast your judgement on me ,thankyou , peace love SimonBirch xxx
@Al-Ghoul said in #62:
> Besides, we'll see on the day of judgement how those "repetitive prayers" we do will grant us paradise and what your xxx will grant u
yes, we shall see...