
A collection of tactical puzzles solved less than 50 times.

Puzzle motif: defensive move.

Update 01.
Changed the link to point to the puzzle motif. Thus, the calculation of points that change the player's rating will be more fair. Because the motive of the puzzles has already been revealed.

Update 02.
(Upd-01) = Statistics for these puzzles updated March 14, 2023.
(Upd-02) = updated March 26, 2023.
(Upd-03) = updated May 11, 2023.

Is this useful?
One of the positive consequences of watching the dynamics of the audience solve a particular difficult puzzle is that I solve it again, as I often forget the right moves. It seems to me that this allows you to improve memory and consolidate knowledge. On average, resolving the same puzzle a month later makes the solution 30-60% easier. Such lessons stimulate the re-passage of previously solved puzzles.

How-to guide.
This type of training is found in the puzzle panel. This link will open a panel with statistics on the puzzles you have solved for the last 1000 days.
The number 1000 can be replaced in the link with a convenient number of days. There is a To Replay button that will allow you to re-solve the puzzles. You can also open the "Weaknesses and Strengths" sections and select the desired motif to repeat.

Now this function does not work for a segment of more than 90 days. Since, apparently, for all the puzzles in this interval, an analysis will be carried out for strengths and weaknesses (that is, this is an additional load on the server's capacity). So you have to use a simple puzzle history:

-> Solved 24->25 times. Rating change: 1664>1658 (mine was 1983 at this moment)
-> Solved 189 times. Rating 1610 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 214 times. Rating 1593 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1600-1700
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 13->14 times. Rating change: 1747>1729
-> Solved 108 times. Rating 1787 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 191 times. Rating 1709 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1500-1600
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 26->27 times. Rating change: 1794>1812
-> Solved 105 times. Rating 1896 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 432 times. Rating 2027 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1950-2050
Motif: pawn endgame

-> Solved 21 times. Rating 1792
-> Solved 22 times. (Upd-01).
-> Solved 22 times. Rating 1779 (Upd-03).
It is bad puzzle. The second move is not obvious. The engine estimates the difference between the second move options at 250 centipawns.

-> Solved 27 times. Rating 1784
-> Solved 94 times. Rating 1756 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 99 times. Rating 1794 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2050-2150
Motif: pawn endgame

-> Solved 15 times. Rating 1795
-> Solved 159 times. Rating 1632 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 296 times. Rating 1642 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 609 times. Rating 1598 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1500-1600
Motif: pawn endgame

-> Solved 41 times. Rating 1817
-> Solved 422 times. Rating 1433 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 743 times. Rating 1380 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1300-1400
Motif: pawn endgame

-> Solved 23 times. Rating 1630
-> Solved 456 times. Rating 1549 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 1275 times. Rating 1697 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1400-1500
Motif: rook endgame

-> Solved 12 times. Rating 1661
-> Solved 74 times. Rating 1981 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 281 times. Rating 1841 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1800-1900
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 34 times. Rating 1947
-> Solved 309 times. Rating 1921 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 678 times. Rating 1796 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 35 times. Rating 1959
-> Solved 132 times. Rating 2174 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 292 times. Rating 2154 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2100+
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 28 times. Rating 1911
-> Solved 40 times. Rating 2001 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 43 times. Rating 2032 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 11 times. Rating 1853
-> Solved 24 times. Rating 2005 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 38 times. Rating 1986 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 212 times. Rating 1953 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 17 times. Rating 1894
-> Solved 86 times. Rating 2229 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 269 times. Rating 2183 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2100+
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 15 times. Rating 1855
-> Solved 98 times. Rating 2205 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 404 times. Rating 2150 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 22 times. Rating 1837
-> Solved 267 times. Rating 1589 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 1003 times. Rating 1600 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1400-1500
Motif: pawn endgame

-> Solved 22 times. Rating 1822
-> Solved 453 times. Rating 1462 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 1731 times. Rating 1484 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1350-1450
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 19 times. Rating 1873
-> Solved 162 times. Rating 2102 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 181 times. Rating 2076 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 24 times. Rating 1860?
-> Solved 105 times. Rating 2213 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 308 times. Rating 2441 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2100+
Motif: endgame

Solved 15 times. Rating 1853
-> Solved 38 times. Rating 1981 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 84 times. Rating 1952 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 99 times. Rating 2059 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1900-2000
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 33 times. Rating 1856
-> Solved 207 times. Rating 2208 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 411 times. Rating 2168 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2100+
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 21 times. Rating 1845
-> Solved 218 times. Rating 1926 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 557 times. Rating 2040 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1800-1900
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 13 times. Rating 1853
-> Solved 36 times. Rating 1905 (Upd-01).
-> Solved 40 times. Rating 1925 (Upd-02).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2000-2100
-> Solved 41 times. Rating 1925 (Upd-03).
Motif: endgame

-> Solved 22 times. Rating 1845
-> Solved 24 times. Rating 1833 (Upd-02).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 1400-1500
-> Solved 27 times. Rating 1824 (Upd-03).
Motif: middle game

-> Solved 41 times. Rating 1919
-> Solved 67 times. Rating 1986 (Upd-02).
-> Solved 69 times. Rating 2003 (Upd-03).
I guess this puzzle will get this rating: 2100+
Motif: endgame
