
Search "user:James-Bond"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess to FIDE rating converter#20

@ChessMathNerd said in #18: > @Molurus Thank you very much for the detailed response! That sort of information is exactly what I was looking for. > The reason I am trying to figure this out is because…

FM James-Bond
General Chess Discussion - New puzzles ratings is about 300 elo inflated.#4

I have a higher rating under the new system, but I think it is partially because it also consistently giving me difficult problems now. Under the old system I would get spammed with problems 500 point…

FM James-Bond
General Chess Discussion - Nobody in the 30+20 pool :(#8

I think 15 + 10 is fine for anyone looking to improve. For longer time controls I think people tend to prefer playing over the board. This is especially true for titled players and higher as they play…

FM James-Bond
General Chess Discussion - 2600 Puzzle Rating#35

I think he is clearly cheating, because if you check the moves he is making in the puzzles, they match the engine output consistently! ;)

FM James-Bond
General Chess Discussion - Does this pawn structure have any promise for white#16

The position is just pretty close to equal. The reason black scores better than white is that stronger players are less likely to play Nc3 prematurely in such a structure, so on average white will be …

FM James-Bond
Game analysis - how is black better here?#6

So with black to move I am not so surprised since black can play c5 and white will be left with the worse structure and an open position against the pair of bishops. What is more interesting is if you…

FM James-Bond
Game analysis - It happens to the best of us#2

Hmm, just realized my wording for title made me sound a bit arrogant, didn't mean to imply with it that I believed to be "the best of us" more that everyone blunders. Title isn't false, Kramnik famous…

FM James-Bond
Game analysis - It happens to the best of us#1

Ever had a good game you felt you played well? I just did and SF approves! However I'm not posting because of that game but the one directly after. I'm sure everyone has…

FM James-Bond
Game analysis - [GAMES] Post your best games here!#95

Really complicated game probably full of mistakes. Even the SF analysis is nowhere near error free as some of the lines it claims I could have played better end in a position where white is winning. E…

FM James-Bond
Game analysis - [GAMES] Post your best games here!#31 Probably one of my best blitz games to date. Expected the lichess engine to shredder my play, but he seems mostly liked it.

FM James-Bond