
Search "user:Gomitaz"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Prophylaxis in women's chess#17

I haven't played I have not played enough with female chess players, so I cannot have an opinion on this topic, but It seems very interesting.

General Chess Discussion - How do you Play against English Opening?#12

Although I don't face it very often, I usually play in the mirror, the symmetrical variant, but I must confess that when I face it it tends to give me a lot of problems, it is undoubtedly uncomfortabl…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b4?#13

Honestly, I have never come across such an opening. I guess I would answer with D5...

Game analysis - Nice Victory by Houdini Playing the English#4

I have not enough knowledge about the "English opening" but 12. g5 and 19. g4 on the black side were both movements that I did not understand.
