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General Chess Discussion - How to stop raging in chess?#7

@Arseniy_Rybasov said in #5: > No breaking. I'm raging by hitting the table or smth like that. I must be Mike Tyson to somehow break the table with my head. Lol Hand, not head

General Chess Discussion - How to stop raging in chess?#5

@SimonBirch said in #2: > Your flair kinda says it all ! > It's only a game , doesn't change the world. > Remind yourself getting angry only makes yourself unhappy and probably expensive too if you're…

General Chess Discussion - How to stop raging in chess?#1

i'm trying to control myself as much as I can but I'm not managing to do it every time. Give me a hint of what to do to stop raging, please.

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Lichess Feedback - I can't see opponent's stats of what pieces he took#1

If I play a game and lose a pawn, I cannot see "+1" on the opponent's side. But if I capture his pawn, I will see it. But if I watch someone's games, I see everything.
