
Search "user:Diceroller_is_Fire"

42 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess: Year in Review 2023#31

@CSKA_Moscou said in #30: > Maybe, but it's not me who decide this )) maybe there are enought in their opinion since you have other server built like Lichess for variants Мне кажется, что когда-нибудь…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess: Year in Review 2023#28

@CSKA_Moscou said in #9: > I don't think that we'll have new variants in 2024-25, i heard infos like that there are enought variants. Какое там достаточно?!;) это ж целая вселенная, дорогой, и много ч…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess: Year in Review 2023#8

And no word about woodland... ...but OK, it’s still growing, maybe there’ll be a new variants in 2024/25? ;) Yes, Thibault knows that I’m an IDEAMAN, so he muted me in GitHub 2nd time, but I still hav…

Community Blog Discussions - Шахматы. CRAZYHOUSE. Сумасшедший Дом. ДурДом.#2

Прикольно) У меня на прошлой учётке был краткий обзор Атомика (и не только).

Lichess Feedback - WTFlame? (I’m about puzzle rating diffs)#1

If it’s zero (0), it’s shown as V (solved) or X (failed) and below the writing “undefined”. What’s?! If I always solve puzzles unrated I will be managed to see this each time?!! Kinda yesterday I was …

Lichess Feedback - Many backgrounds are inaccessible from mobile#3

Aaah;)))) I’ve understood that small teasing parts of images in right of these are just copies of left ones (1-14 or odd ones, IDK how they’re classified). it’s just a mirror) so much time passed &...)

Lichess Feedback - Many backgrounds are inaccessible from mobile#1

Because this panel isn’t scrollable horizontally. I can choose only 28 of them, and I see that there are at least 42, and no more about it. Apologies that I hadn’t reported it earlier. Reminder: I use…

General Chess Discussion - To content makers!!!!!#3

@LookAtMe020 edited) will u be online in 31st, 20 UTC?

General Chess Discussion - To content makers!!!!!#1

As creator of Woodland sound theme, I can send you a photo for 2023 results’ blog, and, please mention my only-variants simul ( in 31st December, 20 UTC to catch som…

Lichess Feedback - Turn out tourney rating BRACKETS#6

#Guys though they are disabled! I wasn’t the voice in desert!
