
the UI doesn't let me play a legal move (en passant), only on the analysis board

in this game:

opponent just moved his pawn to f5, and I should be able to capture it with my e5 pawn en passant.

and I can do it in the analysis board... but I cannot play the move in the actual game.

nothing happens.

seems like a bug to me
so I have replictated the position in a different software, and the en passant capture should be legal here.
now I have tried different methods and made a different move by mistake, lol.

but anyways, the en passant should have been possible on the 22 move (for white)
Thanks for the report. Another user reported the same problem in our discord and the issue is being analysed by our devs at the moment.
Hi we found, and fixed the issue, we will deploy new fix version early tomorrow (around 7AM utc). Thank you for reporting, and sorry for the inconvenience.

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