
Do you love the Caro-Kann or want to learn it? Let's play!

Hey! I'm trying to practice the Caro-Kann and would like to practice just this opening, and also sometimes specific variations, e.g. advance variation, fantasy, etc...

Post here or inbox me if you'd like to play with me.
Yes! Caro-Kann is an awesome opening! It's easy to learn and it's perfect for all levels!
@Jinjo I play the CK quite a lot so happy to play a few test games on correspondence against it.
I used to like the CK about a year ago back when I was a blitz 1500-1600 but stopped playing it because I didn't like the way the position sometimes got hell closed and my b8-knight didn't get any employment. As a result, my knight quit his job after a Will-Smith-Splat-Slap to the c6 pawn...
@Ayushman_C said in #7:
> I used to like the CK about a year ago back when I was a blitz 1500-1600 but stopped playing it because I didn't like the way the position sometimes got hell closed and my b8-knight didn't get any employment. As a result, my knight quit his job after a Will-Smith-Splat-Slap to the c6 pawn...

Yeah a downside is you can be a bit cramped and it can be tricky to develop. The b8 knight usually goes to d6 or if you push the pawn to c5 first, then it can go to c6.

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