
breaking news!!

> You have more knowledge on vaccines then Dr. Malone, is that what you're saying?

From what I've read, he can't be trusted:
I prefer to trust the vast majority of the scientific community on the vaccine topic.

> You hate Carlson that much that even if he's saying something that could potentially lead you to potentially understand what is going on you just don't want to hear about it, because he is Carlson?

I've seen him intentionally mislead people so many times that I don't trust him. He's not a newsman. As someone put it, he's got an angertainment show to run.
getting your news from tucker carlson is essentially no different from getting your news from a random professional wrestler. actually it's probably even worse
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you literally linked to tucker carlson with no other sources and titled it "breaking news." your words, not mine. tucker carlson is extremely mainstream, by the way

you are correct that CNN, CNBC, etc are extremely biased news sources. you aren't escaping their orbit though, you're just getting news from a professional wrestler instead. you might as well just watch cartoons. he's probably been vaccinated more times than i have
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from wikipedia:

"In July 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers.[18]

In February 2022, Mediaite reported that "in the month of October, Tucker Carlson [was] the number-one watched host among Democrats in the key 25-54 age demographic – across all networks."[19]"

seems pretty mainstream to me. youre getting your 'news' from mainstream entertainment, but that is cool i guess. peace
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