
Is Coronavirus kill us all?

my brother inlaw just got home from Vietnam today, hope he dont got it
Well jamesbond would like to say that if you are fearing so much then there is no worth to live,we should be fearless and. Manage our life and remember follow the dialogue NO TIME TO DIE “ my movie#........
I think corona virus has not spread in Antarctica so our favourite GM penguin has 0 percent chance to be effected.....auayayyayy...well I m migrating to Antarctica now....see u there!!!!
I have all of those symptoms except for a fever??? Could be the flu.... probably isn't....
Coronavirus is just a flu and there are 21000 healed people
Where did you get that? I thought there's no cure. Can you show me the website where you got that info?
Coronavirus is not a flu, There is no vaccine. This is a "new" -"mutated" strain of coronavirus. They are working on vaccine. :]

Trump will save the day and nuke the corona virus.

Not only that he will build a wall around the H8-N1 strain with mortality rate of 70% if and when it hits us.

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