
good news for Ukraine

@PTX187 said in #30:

And yet, this is a very small percentage of NATO's capabilities.
For example, 18 old fighter jets when NATO has up to 4000 fighter jets.
400 tanks when NATO has about 15 000 tanks.
And so on
Article 51 of the UN charta allows self-defence using force explicitly. If you don't agree you support Russia's destabilization of the world.

@artemiusua said in #3:
> Nonsense. Bad news here only for the occupiers and their supporters

the US started a proxy war with Russia, and it and the country it incited a coup in are now losing the war. Washington is destabilizing the world, the questions is what it does when it loses this war, as it did the war in Afghanistan. so far it has merely escalated, shipping ever more supplies to a devastated Ukraine in order to stave off the inevitable. not only this, it wants to pivot to take on China next, again using a proxy in Taiwan.
^ i'm not ready for the amount of "china disinformation war" comments we're going to be seeing if the taiwan stuff really does escalate
A few tanks added to the mix isn't "good news." What we're seeing now is the West trying to ride out this fantasy of Ukraine winning for as long as possible. $$$ is the reason. Ukraine has refused to admit it's ever lost a battle or has a severe loss of troops (upwards of 150,000) because it would be interpreted as weakness and a reason for the West to stop sending that mon mon money. The tragedy is that things didn't have to get this bad. Unfortunately, Z and the West settled on a reckless course of win or die trying, and the result is a Ukraine that has been shattered, and many people lost. This is what you get when you elect a comedian with military genius pretensions your president, and partnered with another president whose incompetence is matched by his lack of principles.

This fiasco will eventually lead to U.S. troops entering Ukraine, raising the stakes for another Iraq and even worse outcomes.
Russia is de facto a Pariah state. They already have lost almost everything.
It's going to be a while before the US sends its tanks (or all the tanks that were pledged). The Pentagon reported that we don't have enough in the stockpile to just send over 31 tanks. And some are pushing back saying that the Abram tanks are complicated and require a lot of maintenance.

What we should do is tell the folks over in Afghanistan to ship over all that stuff we left over there to Ukraine and make them pay the shipping cost.
@diarrhea_isnt_funny said in #36:
> A few tanks added to the mix isn't "good news." What we're seeing now is the West trying to ride out this fantasy of Ukraine winning for as long as possible. $$$ is the reason. Ukraine has refused to admit it's ever lost a battle or has a severe loss of troops (upwards of 150,000) because it would be interpreted as weakness and a reason for the West to stop sending that mon mon money. The tragedy is that things didn't have to get this bad. Unfortunately, Z and the West settled on a reckless course of win or die trying, and the result is a Ukraine that has been shattered, and many people lost. This is what you get when you elect a comedian with military genius pretensions your president, and partnered with another president whose incompetence is matched by his lack of principles.
> This fiasco will eventually lead to U.S. troops entering Ukraine, raising the stakes for another Iraq and even worse outcomes.

I hope not but I would not be surprised if that eventually happened. That war is going to drag on and eventually someone will feel the need to put boots on the ground. It'll probably start with "Oh, we're just training".
@diarrhea_isnt_funny said in #36:
> This is what you get when you elect a comedian with military genius pretensions your president
Yeah, democracy and free elections are very hard for russians to understand. Almost as hard as why Ukrainians fight against an aggressor.
Other thing is one tsar. Forever. No politics, but when tsar starts a war and sends you there, you just go and die. russians' "very own" way...

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