
(London System == Garbage) ---> True

London system isn't garbage though I don't play it and no one plays it against me. The game is equal with evaluation of 0.0.
@MrCalderon if u can't play a trap that doesn't means it is garbage every traps r useful for those who can play many can't play a trap but it doesn't mean the trap is garbage
Bah ! Hardly a week ago , you got demolished in that line, you didn't refute anything lol
Well, I literally have no words...

Calderon, You are a strong player, no doubt.But your arrogance and immature, poorly written thread titles and posts portray a bad image of you.Just say you won a game with a good positional play, you don't need to try and exaggerate something which is false.It just makes you look immature and conceited.Grow up :)
You didn't refute the London. Your opponent blundered twice in the first 11 moves. I beat someone who played the Najdorf today. That doesn't mean the Najdorf is refuted, it just means I outplayed my opponent. An opening is only refuted if it is losing with best play from both sides.
@MrCalderon GingerGM does quite well with the London and Jobava London. He might be able to refute the refute and other refutes.

If there’s an opening that has never lost then only one side would ever win as everyone would play it and there’d be no point in playing the game at all…… so arent all openings garbage as they all lose at some point? Asking for a friend.
I agree, the London is a dubious opening which gives Black an easy game if he knows the refutation. Black plays 2...c5 then White usually dares not take the pawn, 3.e3 cxd4. Black has significantly higher win rate in this line.

In my opinion, the London is only slightly better than the Baltic defense and Albin countergambit. The London is even worse than the Scandinavian defense Nf6 line.
#27 its not at all true I can play with you casual games with London if you want to.
I saw your games in the database. You have lost more than half of your games when your opponent decided to play the London. At least get a plus score first :)
I've always had a hard time understanding why some of the debates about openings were a matter of life and death.
I hope Mr Calderon is always alive.

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