
I was banned for moving back and forth against Stockfish?

Is Lichess becoming a dictatorship? I was banned for this game:

Thibault wrote to me:
"Just stop. It's a waste of Lichess resources. Try the cookie clicker instead:"

And then my account was closed.

I was practicing move accuracy for playing ultrabullet, using my own skills, not a bot. There is no difference between playing a usual game against Stockfish and this accuracy training.

Apparently Thibault has issues, if he thinks I should have been banned for this.
I closed the account because you make hundreds (thousands?) of games like this, and you ignored my message asking you to stop. Now I have your attention.

So I will repeat it: you are wasting valuable server resources. Please stop.
Lichess is a dictatorship. There is the Big Kahuna and his staff. They run it. We‘re lucky because we can come to their house and stay as long as we agree to the TOS.
I ignored your message, because there is nothing in ToS that would forbid playing these games. Waste of Lichess resources? There are people who play hundreds of low-quality games a day. Obviously they are not wasting any resources (that is what I believe). Maybe close their accounts too, because their games don't provide any value and waste server time?
I play these games with my own hands, not with software, and I play them to practice speed and avoid misclicks in real games where I have to move pieces on long distances.
Bunning for this is just a whim, not a measured decision.
I just checked and you made 29,000 of these pointless games. I wish I had stopped it before. What a waste.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of websites to train your mouse skill. Here's the first one I found
>there is nothing in ToS that would forbid playing these games.

From ToS:

We have the ultimate say in who can use our Site and Services. We can cancel accounts, or decline to let Users use our Services.

You were warned. You did not stop when you should have.
Since you mentioned the ToS:

7. Abuse our infrastructure. Don’t take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our infrastructure or on our third-party providers. We reserve the right to determine what is reasonable.
Most of those games are not from position. They are ultrabullet games against Stockfish 1.
Yes, it's just your whim.
Ultrabullet takes about 1-2% of all the games, and me playing these games for practice doesn't anyhow affect server resources.
To play ultrabullet I have to practice here. Because the board and everything can't be found on those websites. I suggested developers to move Stockfish 1 to WASMX, which was ignored. I would be fine with spending my CPU instead of Lichess's, but Lichess doesn't provide this feature.
I agree that ultrabullet training is a valid use case, and I accept the feature request.

But at the moment we don't support it, so please don't abuse other features (such as persisted games vs server SF) to go around it.
How do I abuse other features? By spending CPU or URLs?

1. I played these games at the time of small amount of players online, so there is a lot of free CPU time.
2. I'm fine with these games being deleted after to free URLs.

Lichess server time is not being wasted, let's be reasonable here:
my games were probably not even 0.1% of all the games against Stockfish. And the second, it's not like everyone is doing the same and I'm not posting in forums and inspiring people to do that, so it doesn't waste resources. You do this out of some principle, winning this 0.1% of saved resources, but creating instead a lot of negativity, which is not necessary, because there is no noticeable impact of my games, since you had not been able to notice them for so long, as you said.

There are 180 000 000 games against Stockfish, and I only played 30 000, which is 0,017 %.

I also have donated previosuly 3.92$, which I believe is also relatively more (even though it's not a lot of course) than all the people who ever played Stockfish donated on average. I'm now regretting about that donation.

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