
You can choose a power but first person to reply chooses a side effect.

Ability to solve mathematical problems like a computer.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #15:
> I can become invisible!
But you become Akbar the Great and have to play his role for 5 seconds (by going back through time) every time you're done being invisible.
@A_0123456 said in #16:
> But you become Akbar the Great and have to play his role for 5 seconds (by going back through time) every time you're done being invisible.
Ok that's no issue. Plus I won't become invisible for many at a time.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #17:
> Ok that's no issue. Plus I won't become invisible for many at a time.
Oh did I say 5 seconds? I meant 5 years.
<Comment deleted by user>

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