
Puzzle Blog #1 - The Lone Rook

There are, so. many. ways. to get this one wrong hahaha

Why is the king safe on the black squares but going to h5 draws, h6 is a safe haven howw

Towards the end I thought Rg1+ was the way but there were more tricks left, I didn't see that Bg3 is mate then

Also unclear whereas the final position is all that winning xD

I played Bf3 because it's the only move that has any bite whatsoever to it, what's with all our other impaired pieces

I assumed Qxh3 must be working because else nothing goes anywhere, but admittedly I didn't see everything about the second-rank mate + vague discovery threats (since white's queen can go anywhere with tempo)
Loving the detailed prose / analysis! This is also my approach to solving puzzles: pure deductive logic! Like lecw, I saw Bf3 immediately, but of course was not able to calculate all of the finer points. Hope to see more puzzle blogs by you :)!
@lecw said in #2:
> There are, so. many. ways. to get this one wrong hahaha

Indeed, I had fun solving it and only realized after analyzing it later that I also missed a couple of lines.

> Also unclear whereas the final position is all that winning xD

Ah, so the White King is exposed. Black has a queen and a bishop and the kingside pawns will be marching forward. It'd be very hard for White to counter this combo with two rooks and a knight on the opposite side of the board.

> I assumed Qxh3 must be working because else nothing goes anywhere, but admittedly I didn't see everything about the second-rank mate + vague discovery threats (since white's queen can go anywhere with tempo)

Yes, same for me. This is one of the advantages we can use in puzzles. Which is why in real games, it gets trickier. But solving puzzles can lead to developing muscle memory and an intuition, that can be used in real games too to some extent, without calculating all lines.
@FischyVishy said in #3:
> Loving the detailed prose / analysis! This is also my approach to solving puzzles: pure deductive logic! Like lecw, I saw Bf3 immediately, but of course was not able to calculate all of the finer points. Hope to see more puzzle blogs by you :)!

Thanks for the inspiration. It's not practical to calculate all of the finer points. I didn't find them all myself. Nevertheless, I think following a few good rules of thumb and some deductive logic helps in puzzles. The fact that we know the position must be winning helps a lot I'd say :D

Will write a few more puzzle blogs. You should write more too :)