
China Spy Balloon

The whataboutism is strong in this thread...

Search for and read up on:
Russian disinformation war
^ could you please take a turing test for me? russia literally has not even been mentioned.

seems like another example of "any criticism of united states = whataboutism" to me. this time it just makes even less sense than usual

edit: unless youre referring to something else i guess? or maybe posted in this thread accidentally? apologies if so; im just really confused by that post
Hi Lilly Hollow,
Part of that article you offered as proof of your idea has a false conclusion/ proposition - re.
" Dying empires do not go gentle into that good night,"
I offer my country of origin as an example. This was the empire of which it was said that the sun never set. (as it's colonies spanned the world).
England, (AKA GB, until Scotland and Ireland secede (soon no doubt)).
England is now a middle sized economy off the coast of Europe.

If a premise in an argument is wrong then the conclusions of that proposition must at least be suspect.
to clarify: the point of the article is not that 'the sun will never set on the us empire,' but rather that it will sadly not happen in a peaceful manner. this is something we are observing right now, as discussed at length in the article.
@ST4RSCR34M said in #24:
> I'm still waiting on Biden to try to shoot down the moon

Now that he has his big boy pants on, he might try it.
Luckily for us the muppets are not in charge of controlling and regulating air traffic in North America. Would you get onboard of a plane in which the pilot is a muppet?
@ST4RSCR34M said in #24:
> I'm still waiting on Biden to try to shoot down the moon

He wants to , but he can't shoot.

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