
Lichess support for Black Lives Matter

First I would like to make the distinction between the social movement and the organization. Lichess is linking to the website of the organization and so none of what I'm about to write is about the social movement and/or the riots.

This is an organization that makes the following statements on its website:

"Organizers who call this network home have ousted anti-Black politicians, won critical legislation to benefit Black lives, and changed the terms of the debate on Blackness around the world" (note that it doesn't specify what that legislation is)

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure...

"Black Lives Matter began as a call to action in response to state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism."

"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise."

These last quotes are really the objectionable part. This is mythology. This notion that black people are systematically being hunted by police is simply false. The US clearly has an issue with police violence but it doesn't affect black people disproportionately in the way BLM claims. Relative to the number of arrests white people are as likely to get killed by police.

This mythology no doubt has something to do with sensationalist reporting. "Black man killed by police" is a much more juicy story than "Man killed by police". I don't know if BLM are acting in good faith and are simply uninformed when spreading this myth or if they're acting in bad faith. It doesn't matter.

The fact is that Lichess is promoting an organization that is spreading disinformation (extremely dangerous disinformation since this notion that black people are systematically hunted by police no doubt has something to do with these riots) and has political aims that extend far beyond ending police brutality.
I concur.

Spreading this mass hysteria does far more harm than good for society as a whole. Black people should not be living in fear of police because of this absurd false propaganda. It's really hateful and divisive to prey upon black people in such a manner.
If it is mis/disinformation, then why are changes being made? Why do the police chiefs kneel, and such? Why are the police agreeing? Why are they saying something needs to be done?

I think you are just unwilling to accept change.
everyone is talking like "support equality" "black lives matter" but if its supporting equality then it should be all lives matter... and off topic but same with feminism, its used to be getting woman equal but now its just all like f**k men...
It is disappointing when people do not understand statistics while quoting them so nonchalantly. Let me give you a hint, check the population of black people, then white, and tell me about your findings. If this isn't a dead giveaway as to how you've embarrassed yourself, I don't know what is.
"If it is mis/disinformation, then why are changes being made? Why do the police chiefs kneel, and such?"

To prevent rioting and appease a violent mob fueled by disinformation? To think that a claim must be true because politicians (and Twitter celebrities) pander to it is exactly the kind of quality thinking that got us here. As for the changes being made they're vacuous. "Defund the police" is the brand name for policies that don't involve defunding the police.

"check the population of black people, then white, and tell me about your findings."

Assuming this was directed at me. I already did. Black people are overrepresented among fatalities due to police violence. They are also (equally) overrepresented among perpetrators of violent crime meaning that a black person and a white person are equally likely to get killed while being arrested.
@WS83 It is absolutely astonishing how you still don't get it. If a black man and white man are equally as likely to be killed in that kind of situation while the white population is around 4.5x larger than the black one (since you're acting a bit slow, that's more than quadruple the size). That means blacks are FAR more likely to be killed. Do you get it now?

Those are very good questions.

Why would a police chief kneel? Fear of an angry mob burning down his police station.

Why are the police agreeing? Fear of an angry mob burning down their police station.

Why are they saying "Something needs to be done"? This is going ot be a long answer, and what they want done is absolutely devastating for America.

They is not defined (I assume you mean the angry black mob), and the system of course is not perfect. No system is. However what the angry mob wants now is to disband police. Knuckling under to the mob is an extremely bad idea. Disbanding the police would mean way more dead black people. Do you think it's bad now, today is walk in the park compared to what it will be. If a race war comes of this which is highly likely I would be very concerned for the survival of blacks during such a conflict. Mathematically they are outnumbered and outgunned. Not only that white people are often far better trained with guns. I know little 10-year-old white girls that go shooting all the time and can shoot better than most grown black men. White culture is gun culture. I'm not saying a lot of white people wouldn't die, a lot would. Mostly the Betas and soyboys. The so called "Allies" to the blacks, the looney lefties that have no guns and have abandoned their white culture. Even Malcolm X said when a race war comes you even gotta kill the good whites. Also, it's not like those liberal whites could seek refuge from the angry blacks i in the arms of the conservative whites. Do you want to see white people go to war against black people? Even historically look back.... Look at how just a handful of whites kicked ass for so long in Rhodesia against swarm after swarm of black invaders in that lost war. Look at the colonization of Africa. Little Belgium colonized and controlled the massive Congo.

You think you have seen "Not nice white people" in your life? You really think that. Honey white people have been on their best behavior so inviting and loving and caring lately. You have not seen the "White Devil". You really want to awaken that sleeping dragon? Last time white people got mad and went for a total war technology jumped forward about 20 or 30 years worth in 3 years and we split the fucking atom to find a way to kill more Japanese faster because napalming all of their cities wasn't doing it fast enough! We hit Japan so hard they flipped and became the japan we know and love today.

Race war = Pretty Bad for white people & even more devastatingly bad for black people.

Long story short Disbanding police = race war = a lot of dead whites (mostly liberals) and a monumental number of dead blacks far bigger number dead. That's just not a good thing for society as a whole. That's not really good for anybody. Maybe the Chinese would benefit by simply sitting back and win, rule the world with communism tyranny after That is why we must never knuckle under to the mob because it could be the hair the breaks the camel of the whites back.... Do you want to see a "White Chimp Out"? You really want thaT? It'll happen if police are disbanded I guarantee it and it's bad news for everyone but China.

Why are changes being made? The autopsy reported that he was high on cocaine and fentanyl, his arteries were blocked like 90%, and recent video footage shows him resisting arrest beforehand... Not only that George Floyd had a record of holding a gun to the belly of a PREGNANT BLACK WOMAN... Real winner there... Anyhow the video evidence may be a case for some criminal wrongdoing. However, what we should not do is have a TRIAL BY MEDIA. We should have a trial in a courtroom.

All 4 officers have been arrested and charged and fired. Bless the police union for sticking by those boys through this. Those diverse boys by the way... 2 whites, a mulato, and an asian cop. Very diverse group. Why is there still looting if all 4 of them are in custody and fired!?

Anyhow, a lot of the sensationalism is grandstanding and trying to get the black vote as it is an election year, but in typical Democrat fashion, it's divisive.

Damn, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the supremacist bullshit that I just read.

Despite your tone I'll do my best to clarify.

When I say that a white person and a black person are equally likely to get killed during an arrest that means that the incidence of death PER ARREST is the same. Since white people get arrested for violent crime more often than black people they also get killed by police more often, contrary to Twitter wisdom. The overrepresantion, relative to population size, of black people among people killed by police is proportionate to the overrepresentation of black people committing violent crime.

The exact kind of behaviour you're displaying, hurling insults at people for not towing the line, accusing others of not understanding statistics they themselves haven't read, is what's keeping this going.

Would you please actually read the statistics before you reply.


I started this thread because I don't like Lichess contributing to falsehoods. That's it. As far as the "black mob" goes from what I can tell by the news footage it's mostly white upper middle class kids.

EDIT: When I write "black people committing violent crime." that should have been "arrested for violent crime". That's sloppy on my part and I apologize. I'll leave it as is since people have responded to this.

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