
Why do most people play chess and why?

Chess was given to us mere mortals by those who came from above.

In the tongue of the Oglala Sioux our game is very 'wakan' ...
Scientifically speaking, it's probably something to do with dopamine release or release or some other chemicals in the brain.

When we load up a game, ready to test our new knowledge of an opening, or just start a fresh, untampered with position, we get hit with a dopamine release and a feeling of anticipation. When we build up an attack or checkmate our opponent, our brains release dopamine.
I play chess because i cannot help the urge that arises. I am a chess addict.
I love the different gaits of the figures and the strategic possibilities that result from this. There is no other game like this.
Since this is a general question about why most people play and not personally subjective I will answer by saying competitive intellectualism in a safe environment. There are very few things in life where competition between people for a result with a win loss outcome is beneficial for both parties. I always find it bemusing when you sometimes see these arrogant kids complaining how their parents force them to play chess, bemoan the fact that they don't care if they lose. I find it even more ironic when they win and the inevitable drama that ensues.
You mean why some people keep playing chess for many years. Chess is challenging. Other games I played for less than a year and quit playing. The presence of hundreds of books and softwares like Fritz and Chessbase make the Chess Enthusiast keep studying and playing for years.
@Manasroyal1 said in #1:
> Why do most people play chess and why? Why do you play chess message down.. its really interesting to hear why do people even play chess?
Not alot but i play chess because its my favourite game all strategyes all atacks all defends all gambits evrythibgs is so intresting
The rules don't change on a whim? fixed number of rules, local determinism yet always some surprises around the corner? mobility in limited space. yet many paths..

That is my fun. I don't know why others do. If looking at lichess lobby, it might increasingly be about some fascination for tournament participants and winners.

But I think some of us might also enjoy the game itself. for the struggle within the game itself.

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