
Long playing players privilege

In the last several weeks, I've encountered far too many new players that are obvious cheaters while playing classical. So much so that I already know where the game is headed before it starts just by looking at player stats. Later confirmed by computer analysis.

New accounts don't bear the burden of fear of losing access to their accounts . They are adept at multi accounting and will just move on when the current one is banned.

It is the accounts like mine who can't risk sabotaging their entire play history on lichess by attempting to cheat in any way.

I feel like lichess should do more for us. so called lichess veterans. That have gained a certain repute by having >X hours of legit playtime. We may not be the best at the game. But we play it fair and have proven our integrity. We should not be exposed to these ephemeral new account cheaters. I feel like the new accounters should be made to play in their own pool until they've proven that they they don't bite and can be let into the big pond exists.
Also why should older Lichess players deserve more benefits than newer Lichess players? Anyone can turn to cheating anytime they want.
It'll be like that SNL 5-timers club (you get to wear a robe and everything!).
I think it's wrong to see a potential cheater behind every newly opened account - for me that would be a kind of paranoia.

And it would probably not correspond to the philosophy of lichess if all new accounts first had to pass a test phase with each other in order to then be allowed to play against the "clean" establishment.
On the other side of things, for years I've been asking Lichess to remove the (?) marker which causes players to abort lobby games. But it won't happen, because that marker is treated like the privilege #1 descrbes.
@Tenakel said in #4:
> And it would probably not correspond to the philosophy of lichess if all new accounts first had to pass a test phase with each other in order to then be allowed to play against the "clean" establishment.

Lichess does the same for anon. The only barrier between anon people and people with new accounts is a shiny new fake email address.

I already mentioned why long time players have so much more to lose by starting to cheat now as compared to new players. So the probability of someone cheating after playing 10k clean games is nearly non existent as compared to someone who's played just 10. This is undeniable.

What I'm proposing is not something new. Chess world does this in some way thru the form of "titled tournaments" which are far more elite and involve money. Why can't regular high rated people play the titled tournaments? It's the same reason. if titled players cheat, they have a lot more to lose than the regular players(reputation,career). Doesn't mean they can't or won't cheat. But they're accorded that "privilege"

@MrPushwood judging by the sentiment I've garnered by making this post, I'm likely to get a lot more downvotes for this. But I have to say. Thanks for bumping up my post by posting a one liner. I've seen your replies on many others posts here. All are one liners. All don't address the concern of the poster and in fact are tangential. And all are unfunny. Sometimes saying nothing at all is the best.
@proteenx said in #6:
> What I'm proposing is not something new. Chess world does this in some way thru the form of "titled tournaments" which are far more elite and involve money. Why can't regular high rated people play the titled tournaments? It's the same reason. if titled players cheat, they have a lot more to lose than the regular players(reputation,career). Doesn't mean they can't or won't cheat., it's because the tournaments are for higher-rated people.
@proteenx said in #6:
> So the probability of someone cheating after playing 10k clean games is nearly non existent as compared to someone who's played just 10. This is undeniable.

U have no idea how wrong u r...
@EvilPyrokar said in #8:
> U have no idea how wrong u r...
Of course, you with a year old account and 400 games have a much better idea than me who has a 4 year old account and 12k games.. That aligns with reason.
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