
Don't Try This At Home

Did Magnus just prove that opening theory isn´t that important?

Openings are important. It’s just that tactics and other general chess skills are also important. And Carlsen is better at that than other players are. Also, Grob and 1..h6 are openings. Players with white who prepare the Grob can be very dangerous. Lots of tactics against b7, c7, a8 and the black king.

When Magnus plays 1...h6 that also is an opening. He will from there on rely not so much on specific move orders and lines, but on positional and pattern recognition of the openings and typical early middle game structures. In order to be able to play 1...h6 well he does need to know many things about early middle games and standard set-ups by white and how to respond. This is all still general opening knowledge.

@tttony I know it was bullet chess, I watched it live with Jerry´s commentaries, by the way he is second to none in commentaring games imo, what I meant was that Magnus played moves or openings which is not very common and that I think made some of his opponents a little confused. But it was surely funny to watch.
Magnus should count himself lucky as the peoples' champ @Kingscrusher-YouTube the one and only bullet king who makes players resign the moment they see they are paired with him and who could make Magnus run for his money doesn't play in the tournament,. I hope in the future the peoples' champ will say enough is enough with Magnus' domination in the arena and show up and make a stop to all this.
That's what testing the limits of chess looks like. It's not that opening theory is unimportant, it's just that your puny understanding of it is unimportant to Magnus.

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