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How to: Make Interesting Lichess studies

ChessSoftware DevelopmentLichess
Famous Lichess study creator Lenin Pérez tells us how to make cool studies | Q & A

You've probably heard of Lenin Pérez before - he was a very famous Lichess study creator who had the 3rd most popular study of all time. His studies are known to be very explanatory and interesting. Many of you might be looking at his studies and thinking, "I want to create Studies like him". Well, in this post, we will be seeing some tips from Lenin Pérez himself!

Why did he start making studies?

Before we see some tips, let's answer the question: Why did Lenin Pérez start making Lichess studies?

As soon as I got to know the studies section of lichess I started creating studies, because I always wanted to share chess with others, and so far, I think this is a great way to experience chess.

This should tell you that as long as you have a goal that you want to accomplish, you can. He also states that he thinks it is "a great way to experience chess" and he's not wrong; over 50,000 users have seen his studies!

Why did he make studies?

Even he, however, wasn't recognized by the community since he started creating them. So why did he continue, and which study was it that gave him more support to continue making more studies?

Since I started creating studies I never stopped, I kept creating studies even though I didn't get as much support, but I just had fun doing it. However, it was an old study on the Ruy Lopez openness that pushed me, as it was the first study in which I received a lot of support from the community.

Now let's move on to some tips.

What tips would you give to Lichess users making studies?

Well, believe it or not, this I really don't know. I am supposed to give tips but, there is no official way to create a study in lichess since there are MANY ways to do it, however, I promise to create a study on the subject. So far, I can only say that you should pick a topic and talk about it.

So not a big tip answer here, but he's saying that you should always have a topic and talk about it well and entertainingly. And yes, you read correctly. He will be making a study on this. So when it comes out, make sure to check it out, and heart it!

That's it for this post of How to.

Special thanks to RiotandCarngeISVenom for making the logo

And most importantly, very special Thanks to Lenin Pérez for answering my questions and letting me post the answers in my blog! I hope you enjoyed this post. Next one will come soon, can't promise any date yet, but it won't take too long!

Good day to you all, and I'll see you next time on How to!